We are pleased to offer you a broad range of options for showcasing your work at DPH 2019!
Alongside traditional oral and poster presentations, we offer the opportunity to join a dedicated student pre-conference day and win prizes for your team’s technology and business innovation in the DPH 2019 Innovation Prize.
Click the links below to find the right track for you:

The DPH 2019 Main Track is specifically for work with a technical focus (e.g. Computer Science, Data Science

Held in partnership with the Association of Schools of Public Health in the European Region (ASPHER) and the European Public Health Association (EUPHA). Dedicated pre-conference event for postgraduate students. We welcome the submission of progress reports, long and short research papers and posters. Deadline: Submissions to this track are now closed.

Celebrating top innovation in digital public health technology and business. We welcome applications from innovators across all sectors. Applications are also open to researchers and academics so long as their work presents innovation in digital public health. Deadline for applications: Submissions to this track are now closed.

EPH Conference ‘Digital Health’ theme
The DPH 2019 Main Track is specifically for work with a technical focus (e.g. Computer Science, Data Science
The areas of interest for the DPH 2019 conference include, but are not limited to:
- Technology support of essential public health operations (EPHO)
- Public health interventions and disaster risk reduction (DRR) using mobile technologies
- Serious games and digital storytelling
Behaviour change- Citizens science, participatory surveillance
and crowdsourcing - IoT/sensors
- Big data
modelling and machine learning - Data science
- Preparedness and response to emergencies
- Infectious diseases and public health education
- Community engagement
- Infection control and antimicrobial stewardship
- Individual vaccination passports